Fallacy of Symptom-Based Inference (Diagnosis) and Prediction (Prognosis)

Anthropogenic Climate Change: An Anti-American Propaganda of European Socialism, Facism, and Nazism

Chapter 0. The More CO2, The Better for Life

Summary:Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the essential elements for life. In the normal air, the CO2 concentration is 200-1,200 PPM (particles per million. During the last 60 years, CO2 and temperature have allegedly increased. So did population and agricultural production. (See Figure 1)

Figure 1. Changes of temperature, CO2, population, and agricultural production, 1990-2019

Image by Author, © all rights reserved, 2023. Source: CO2: NASA (originally from Mauna Loa); Temperature: NASA; Agricultural Output: United States Department for Agriculture (USDA) Economic Research Service, in constant 2015 US dollars; Population: World Bank

From 1960 to 2019, the global temperature rose by 6.8% (equivalent to 0.89 degrees Celsius), the CO2 increased by 30.4% (from 317 ppm to 414 ppm), the world population increased by 155.4% (from 3.03 billion to 7.7 billion), and the agricultural output (crop + meat) increased by 284.4% (from $1.0 to 4.2 trillion dollars).